Herb województwa. Na tarczy po lewej stronie gryf naprzeciw niego lew. U góry krzyż kawalerski.
Liczba 25 z dopiskiem lat w kolorze złotym, oznaczająca 25-lecie samorządu województwa podkarpackiego.
Herb województwa. Na tarczy po lewej stronie gryf naprzeciw niego lew. U góry krzyż kawalerski.
Liczba 25 z dopiskiem lat w kolorze złotym, oznaczająca 25-lecie samorzadu województwa podkarpackiego.

Samorząd Województwa Podkarpackiego



Investors and Exporters Service Center logo


Investors and Exporters Service Center (COIE) operates at the Podkarpackie Voivodeship Marshal's Office in Rzeszów, established within the Podkarpackie Voivodeship Marshal's Office on the principles established by the Podkarpackie Voivodeship Assembly regarding the commencement of the implementation of the project of the Minister of Economy entitled "Network of Investor and Exporter Service Centers (COIE)" from November 2009.

Podkarpackie COIE operates within the Department of Regional Development of the Marshal's Office.

The catalog of services provided is aimed at helping both Polish exporters, foreign importers and foreign investors. As part of COIE's activities, mainly:

  • organizes incoming and outgoing economic missions;
  • provides data on the economic potential of the region;
  • informs about legal and administrative issues related to running a business in Poland;
  • helps in choosing the right place for investment (undeveloped areas, halls and offices);
  • provides information about investment incentives offered at the regional and national level.How does it help exporters? The activities of the Podkarpackie COIE in the area of ​​export are focused primarily on assistance in providing information, mediating contacts between contractors, sharing data and eliminating

barriers to starting and expanding export activities.As part of supporting Polish exporters and foreign importers:

  • organizes incoming and outgoing economic missions;
  • organizes trade meetings for Polish and foreign entrepreneurs;
  • obtains market information;
  • obtains and disseminates among entrepreneurs inquiries from foreign importers looking for suppliers;
  • initiates cooperation between Polish companies and entities operating on foreign markets (we provide contacts to foreign enterprises;
  • disseminates requests for offers from foreign companies, organizes match-making meetings);
  • informs about the sources of funds to finance export activities and investments abroad, from European Union aid programs and public funds;
  • informs about the possibilities of promoting the export offer (fairs, missions);
  • informs about export support instruments in the financial, service and institutional areas;
  • enables the exhibition of promotional materials of Polish companies at selected international fairs and exhibitions;
  • organizes training and conferences for entrepreneurs (exporters).

More information about events for entrepreneurs in Podkarpackie at: trade.gov.pl

Katarzyna Cieślicka